As the largest voice for reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, PlastyPAC has fought for plastic surgeons and our patients for more than two decades.

Advocacy is a top priority for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and PlastyPAC plays an integral role in our advocacy efforts, as it allows us to support, educate and influence federal candidates who support ASPS’s public policy goals. To succeed in this arena, PlastyPAC relies on your support.





Thank you to all of our contributors.​​​​​​​

    New York
  • Jeffrey Ascherman MD, FACS
  • Glenn Becker MD
  • Keith Blechman MD
  • Lloyd Gayle MD, FACS
  • Scot Glasberg MD, FACS
  • Babak Mehrara MD
  • Beth Aviva Preminger MD
    North Carolina
  • Lynn Damitz MD
  • R. Michael Johnson MD
  • Cristiane Ueno MD
  • Sean Li MD
  • Mark Clemens MD
  • Warren Ellsworth IV, MD
  • Patrick Garvey MD, FACS
  • Patrick Hsu MD
  • Kristen Slaughter MD
  • Scott Hollenbeck MD
  • Luke Juckett MD
  • Mahsa Taskindoust MD


Key Issues


Through your contribution to PlastyPAC, we can confront the issues facing plastic surgery today including:

Raising patient awareness of health insurance coverage for breast reconstruction and prostheses post mastectomy

Protecting patient safety through policies that prevent non-physicians from performing complex surgical procedures

Ensuring that unqualified practitioners cannot advertise in a false or misleading way

Increasing the cap on Medicare-funded graduate medical education (GME) positions and increasing funding for those additional residency slots

Promoting insurance coverage for reconstructive surgical procedures​




What is PlastyPAC?
PlastyPAC is a group of plastic surgeons who work together to raise money and make contributions to political campaigns. PlastyPAC only supports politicians who work to improve health care, patient care and the future of plastic surgery. Through this support, PlastyPAC helps elect individuals who promote policies that improve the lives of our physicians and our patients.

Why is PlastyPAC important to me?
Through PlastyPAC, ASPS members can speak with one voice so elected officials clearly hear our position on policies that affect our patients and specialty. A strong PAC allows us to impact change that will positively affect both you and your patients.

Why do we need a PAC? Why doesn't ASPS just make political contributions?
Federal law prohibits organizations like the American Society of Plastic Surgeons from contributing to political campaigns. Instead, ASPS must have a separate entity – or PAC – that takes part in these activities.

Where does my PlastyPAC contribution go?
100 percent of your personal contribution to PlastyPAC directly supports candidates who work to further ASPS’s public policy issues. Every dollar raised is seen by members of Congress as further evidence that ASPS has the support of a strong network of like-minded physicians. Every dollar will better position our success in advocating on issues that will affect your practice and your patients.

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) allows individuals to give $5,000 per calendar year to PlastyPAC.

How does PlastyPAC select which candidates to support?
PlastyPAC is managed by a Board of Governors, composed of a cross section of ASPS members. The board meets regularly to discuss legislative issues, fundraising, and candidate distributions. During these meetings, PlastyPAC identified politicians who have supported our public policy issues. The Board also takes member recommendations under consideration during this process.

To make a recommendation to the Board, please contact [email protected]

Is there a limit on how much PlastyPAC can contribute to a candidate?
Under the jurisdiction of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), PACs can contribute up to $5,000 to a candidate committee per election (primary, general, or special). They can also give up to $15,000 annually to any national party committee, and $5,000 annually to any other PAC.




​ASPS Fly-In Events

Join your plastic surgery colleagues in the nation's capital to advocate for the specialty and the patients you serve. At the ASPS Regional Fly-Ins, member surgeons will meet with their congressional representatives to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing the specialty, offering solutions that will improve healthcare for surgeons and patients.

To learn more about ASPS’s Fly-In events, please visit our website at

For more information contact [email protected]



Contact PlastyPAC at 847-228-3318 with questions or complete the form and we will respond to you within 48 hours.

Name: Email: Message:

PlastyPAC | 444 E. Algonquin Road | Arlington Heights, IL 60005